Gen Z on Gen Z

Gen Z on Gen Z


Hosted by Gen Z strategists AJ Pulvirenti and Lilia Souri,  Gen Z on Gen Z provides marketers with insight into the world’s most influential generation from Gen Zers themselves, allowing brands to forge deeper connections and drive business results. This podcast pulls back the curtain on Gen Z’s quirks, consumer behaviors, and unfiltered opinions that impact how they relate to and identify with brands. Your company’s next big move starts here, on Gen Z on Gen Z.  

This podcast is brought to you by Movers+Shakers, the creative agency driving cultural relevance for brands, with over 250 billion views across its campaigns and a robust team of cultural connoisseurs dissecting Youth, Culture and Social Media daily.

Categorias: Finanzas

Escuchar el último episodio:

Despite being the most connected generation online, many young people feel more isolated than ever. In this episode of "Gen Z on Gen Z," AJ and Lilia dive into the pressing issue of the loneliness epidemic and how Gen Z and forward-thinking brands are stepping up to fight this crisis. Strategies brands are using to foster real connections.How social platforms are evolving to meet Gen Z's emotional needs.How brands can position themselves not just as products or services, but as avenues f...

Episodios anteriores

  • 9 - Episode 8: The Loneliness Epidemic and How Gen Z and Brands are Fighting It 
    Tue, 03 Sep 2024
  • 8 - Episode 7: Gen Z Travel Trends and How All Brands Can Participate 
    Tue, 06 Aug 2024
  • 7 - Episode 6 | Pride Never Ends: The Benefits of Marketing to the LGBTQ+ Community Year-Round 
    Tue, 23 Jul 2024
  • 6 - Episode 5: Money Pt. 2 with Erin Confortini 
    Tue, 02 Jul 2024
  • 5 - Episode 4: Nostalgia with Hasbro 
    Tue, 04 Jun 2024
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