The Anunnaki Ambassador

The Anunnaki Ambassador

New Dayve

A podcast about the extraterrestrial influence on the past, present and future of human civilization.

Categorias: Educación

Escuchar el último episodio:


And sorry about the 6 YEAR DELAY -- won't go into too much detail as to why it took me so long to put out another episode OR why the Anunnaki didn't return in 2022 and convert Earth into a Utopian Paradise (because I explain why in show) -- but suffice to say that I've been through A LOT over that time period, but am now ready to get the flying saucer up and flying again and (hopefully) put out a new episode every month (or so) for the foreseeable future.

As discussed in the episode, here is the link to the AirBnB page for the house that I built in Joshua Tree -- if  you are looking to "get away from it all" then I guarantee that you won't be disappointed!

Also as discussed in the episode, here is the link to the SGI Buddhism home page -- if you are looking for a spiritual practice that is designed to make you a happier person, then I also guarantee that you won't be disappointed!

Thanks for your patience and I look forward to putting out as much information as possible about the ET/UFO phenomenon in general -- and the Anunnaki in particular -- as quickly as possible from this point forward.


New Dayve

Episodios anteriores

  • 3 - THE ANUNNAKI AMBASSADOR - Episode 003 - The Greys 101 Part 1 
    Sun, 17 Dec 2023
  • 2 - THE ANUNNAKI AMBASSADOR Episode 002 Hosted by New Dayve 
    Mon, 07 Aug 2017 - 0h
  • 1 - THE ANUNNAKI AMBASSADOR Episode 001 Hosted by New Dayve 
    Sun, 30 Apr 2017 - 0h
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